How to Stay Consistent on the Weekend
Do you notice your weekends have a totally different routine than your Monday through Thursday routine? Are your weekend habits keeping you from reaching your health goals?
If your answer is yes, I recommend trying these tried and true tips. By the way, the first tip starts with what you’re doing during your week.
• Don’t wait for the weekend to “cheat” with your favorite foods. What if you didn’t wait for the weekends to enjoy dessert, takeout food, etc? All foods can fit in a healthy diet. Waiting for something like a “cheat weekend” usually leads to binging all the favorite foods you try and “stay away from” Monday-Thursday. Ditch the restrictive mindset during your week. Oh, and eliminate the word “cheat” from your vocab when it comes to your diet.
• Keep 2 things consistent about your habits instead of aiming for perfection. Example: start early on your water intake & have healthy snacks available to eat (and somewhere you can see them for my object permanence peeps). You don’t need to be perfect with your diet any day of the week to be consistent.
• Change your mindset about weekends. Instead of “yay more time to chill & eat.” Its “yay I have extra time to fit in a workout I don’t always get to do during the week, have extra time to sit down and enjoy dinner, and extra time to .....”
Progress over perfection 7 days a week.
Aiming for perfection 3-4 days leads to feeling like you “failed” on the rest of the days. This gets exhausting and doesn’t work long-term. By being too hard on yourself or expecting unrealistic achievements, you’re not setting yourself up for success.
Which one of these will you try first?
Here’s to no more “cheat” weekends, friends!